Patricia Gorham
Patricia Gorham is a style consultant based in Seattle, WA. Her goal is to help individuals make style decisions to match their lifestyle. Her services range from a wardrobe review, personalize shopping style guide, guided fashion consultations as well as being a personal shopper. Patricia is also a speaker that facilitates fashion workshops that focus on "Do's and Don'ts" for specific body types, dressing for corporate cultures, and future style trends.

Patricia Gorham is all about creating a personal style for her clients and the confidence that comes out when they look good in their wardrobe. This confidence and personal style needed to be portrayed in her web site as well. TEAK created a photo shoot that not only captured the beauty and style of Patricia but also of her in her working environment. The site is bold and easy to navigate as well as being simple enough for Patricia to add her own thoughts and insights through her blog.